This collection is my most recent series of paintings. In regards to religion, I was at first a follower, albeit a blind, scared yet hopeful one. That led to disillusionment but I always remained hopeful and aware of that Eye in the Sky. My curiosity about the powers that guide us humans has grown into a fascination with peoples beliefs, totems, and the depiction of the divine. These paintings draw from many different beliefs and cultures, including pop culture, sometimes in one painting. There is a connection between these devotions and the absurd, and if you can look at that connection without judgement, it’s really kind of magical. I have tried to explore the connection between the things that are mythic and powerful with the stupid things that also fill us with wonder.
Of course, I also love cartoons, tattoo art, and the psychedelic poster from the 60’s.
2024, 24 x 24”, oils and gold leaf on panel. $1250
27 x 32 in., 2022, encaustic and oils on panel
not for sale
17 x 22 in., 2022, oils, enamel and gold leaf on panel SOLD!
The Second card in the Major Arcana, The High Priestess consults with a blue jay prior to her morning divination.
24 x 24, 2018, Acrylic on panel.
The Star is the 17th card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. When the Star card appears, you are likely to find yourself feeling inspired. It brings renewed hope and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the universe at this time.
2018, 24 x 24 in., Acrylic on Panel
The Pope, the 5th card in the tarot Major Arcana. Signifies control and adherence to the rules. Perhaps a guide or teacher.
The Sun tarot from the Major Arcana
2018, 24 x 24 in., Acrylic on Panel
3 of Swords from the tarot Minor Arcana. Cardiac arteries are in gold leaf. $550
Re-interpretation of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot
My version of the 13th card in the Major Arcana.
A couture Death stomps out of the wasteland through the Omega arch ready to deliver a message to the next soul on her list. Werk!
11 x 14”, 2020, Oils on panel
Oils and Gold leaf on panel
Justice, the 11th card in the tarot Major Arcana
2018, 24 x 24 in., Mixed media on panel.
2021, 11 x 14 in., 2019, Oils on panel
NOT For Sale
2019, 24 x 24 in., Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel
2020, 11 x 14 in., oils on panel
2020, 11 x 14”, gold leaf and oils on panel $375
2018, 24 x 24”, Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel
2019, 24 x 24 in., Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel. $1500
2016, 24 x 24 in., Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Panel
2017, 24 x 24 in., Acrylic and phosphorescent powder on panel
These are encaustic works focusing on the outward effects of global warming and climate change. Air Travel, Wildfires, Pollution, and Extreme weather are touched on in this unfinished series. Like a poisonous flower these paintings have some beauty, but they represent a critical problem for mankind and his continued existence on Earth.
The use of encaustic for this series is appropriate as encaustic is primarily beeswax. Honey bees, our best pollinators and the source of the wax, are in danger from the effects of climate change and associated colony collapse.
36 x 36 in., 2023, encaustic, pastels, oils and enamel on panel $1700
24 x 24 in., 2023, encaustic, oils and transfers on panel. Flight paths around Detroit for maybe one minute of time.
36 x 36 in., 2023, encaustic, enamel, and pastels on panel. $1700
36 x 36 in., 2022, encaustic, pastels and graphite on panel. $1700
36 x 36 in., 2023, pastel, encaustic, graphite and oils on panel. $1700
Airlines continue to add to global warming through the use of fuel, and exhaust. Jet trails contribute to up to 1% of excess heat trapped by human activity.
36 x 36 in., 2022, graphite, pastels, encaustic and oils on panel. NOT FOR SALE
18 x 36 in., 2023, pastels, graphite, encaustic on panel. $1250
2024, 36 x 36 in., Encaustic, grapite and pastel on panel
A heart is a tricky thing to put in a painting for me because it is such a ubiquitous symbol in our culture. It’s difficult to not have the heart symbol call to mind boxes of chocolate, hospitals, saccharine depictions of love, and chest pain.
However, I always thought the idea of the eternally bleeding heart of Jesus that blazed fire into the air was at once beautiful and ( I want to say insane, but I’m going to say) hallucinogenic.
As much historical religious art is, these paintings are adorned with gold leaf and silver.
The skulls are more simply explained, they are straight out of Vanitas and Memento Mori style of painting. While they are simpler to explain they are more difficult to paint because of the many angles and planes that make up a skull.
2018, 11 x 14 in, oils and gold leaf on panel SOLD
From the Bound Hands series
From the Bound Hand Series. Currently on view at the Annual Monmouth Museum Group Show, Lincroft, NJ
From the Bound Hands series
2021, 24 x 30 in., Oil on panel. $3200
18” x 24”, oil and graphite on panel 2021
2018, 11 x 14 in., oils, aluminum powder and encaustic on panel SOLD
2018, 11 x 14 in., Oils and gold leaf on panel SOLD
2018, 11 x 14 in., Oils and Gold Leaf on Panel
2019, 12 x 12”, Oils and gold leaf on panel
2019, 12 x 12”, oil on panel. $750 with frame
2019, oils and gold leaf on panel NOT FOR SALE
Swimming has always been a part of my life, as both and exercise, and meditation. I upped my interest about 15 years ago when I became an open water distance swimmer. Most of the works in this series are my attempt to convey the experience I have when I’m swimming miles in the ocean. By ‘experience’ i mean the paintings are meant to be more sensory than visually accurate.
6 foot dyptych I finished after a trip swimming for a week in the crystal clear waters surrounding an archipelago just off the coast of Sardinia.
While not the original idea for the swimmer series, fish are excellent swimmers..and Koi are carp, a kind of fish…this painting isn’t as shadowy and abstract as most of the others, but I do think it captures the over all energy of the series
2020, 24 x 36”, oil on panel
Encaustic and mixed media on panel, 2017, 24 x 24 in. SOLS
2016, 24 x 24 in., Encaustic, transfers and collage on panel
2017, 24 x 24 in., Encaustic and aluminum powder on panel
2008, 12 x 12 in., Encaustic and oils on panel. SOLD
2012, 12 x 12 in., Encaustic, transfers and collage on panel. SOLD
2014, 24 x 24 in. , Encaustic and oils on panel. SOLD
2012, 24 x24 in., Encaustic and oils on panel. SOLD
2010, 12 x 12 in., Encaustic on panel. SOLD
2014, 24 x 24 in., Encaustic and oil on panel. SOLD
2013, 24 x 24 in., Encaustic and oils on panel. SOLD
2012, 24 x 24 in., Encaustic, oils, press type and plastic skeleton on panel
12 x 12”, 2015
Encaustic, solvent transfer, oils on panel. SOLD
2014, 24 x 24 in., Encaustic and oil on panel. SOLD
2014, 24 x 24 in., encaustic and oils on panel
The Rauschenberg Principle, 2015, 24 x 24”, collage, encaustic, resin
11 x 14”, Antique print, encaustic, gold powder
11 x 14, encaustic, antique print and gold dust on panel
11 x 14”, antique print, encaustic and gold leaf on panel SOLD