Labor Day

Began helping out at the Habitat for Humanity Restore. Amazing the amount of stuff that passes through there. They get donations that range from junk to treasures. Between both extremes there are some curious pieces, some odd pieces and some really weird shit. Came across these round metallic frames that look like cross between a doily and  an ashtray. They came loaded with magazine quality cut-outs of classical paintings. I'm gonna give them a little up-date.

Finished one today using an old Van Dyke Brown photo I did long ago. It's entitled Artificial Intelligence.  So, I don't usually explain my titles, I like the viewer to decide for themselves what it means. But, here was my thinking with this one. It's an image of a doll face with a question mark as it's dristi (that's what Hindu's call call your third eye ..the dot, in the middle of your forehead). Apparently, our computers are getting close to the point where they become self-aware. One possible result of this is what the whole Terminator series is about. But before computers decide they don't need humans and go on a killing rampage,  they are probably going to think, even it's for only a nanosecond,  WHO AM I? This is my idea of that moment. It's like a baby picture taken by AUTOMOMTRON3000, That's why it's named Artificial Intelligence.


Mouse Priest in Meditation

The full title for this is During Morning Meditation, Mouse Priest Believes he is on the Back of a Fish, Swimming Through his Past Lives.

Made some progress on this. All about color selection and symmetry at this point. I've purposely made it not completely symmetrical but my brain doesn't like the flaws in symmetry. yes, ...this is what artists think about.



Here's a sketch for a new painting I'm working on. The working title for this piece is Mouse Priest Meditation on The Back of a Fish

Here's a sketch for a new painting I'm working on. The working title for this piece is Mouse Priest Meditation on The Back of a Fish

Hi, thanks for checking out my website. This is my first post, still working on this website. Despite that I am employed as a physicist, I am not a huge fan of computers, so I've been putting off construction of this website for too long. One of the things that draws me to painting and any creative process is that it is hands on. Yes, art made on the computer is a reputable medium, I have used computers for several pieces in the past and liked the results, but it's the handy work that is the most satisfying for me. I think that as computers become more and more ingrained with our living/life style/existence, possibly even becoming part of our bodies, things that are created by hand alone will become more valuable, more special, and therefore desired.